Nov 21, 2022Liked by Melissa Gilbert

Yet another beautiful bit of writing that resonates with me. I have a note in my calendar every morning to reminder myself, I'm starting to remember without it so something is starting to work again, to "give myself 5 minutes to feel the sheets on my skin and listen to sounds of nature". Every time I wake and my thoughts start to race off with the tasks to achieve today, I remind myself to come back and start my day again. The other notes about no technology, making a drink, stretching,... haven't quite made it to become a habit yet but I kindly remind myself, one step at a time. Thank you Melissa. Keep them coming. :) xo

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So timely. I’m in a similar space. I remember you asking me at one visit how I brought my BP down and to cut to the chase I said, “meditation.” But honestly the foundation of my practice is the centering even breath-work for autonomic nervous system balance that I was introduced to by HeartMath. My husband and I did a study using it with 150 people and results were staggering. I feel it’s a shame that people feel they must posture or follow a meditation tradition, etc when in actuality regulating our breath throughout our days is a little bit of a miracle for so many emotional/physical woes. I’ve seen folks with clinical panic disorder reverse it quickly sans meds. It just sounds too easy for most. Why do we generally assume an effective practice has to be so very complicated, even uncomfortable, to be effective. I’m with you re creating a morning practice that feeds our soul as a beautiful way to connect with ourselves and start our day. Thanks for sharing.

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I remember that chat! Yes there is so much more available to all of us if we let go of the world’s expectation. Thanks for commenting Becky 🙏🏾 Great to have you here x

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